Tuesday, May 10, 2011

DotA Inside And Basics | Dota Beginner Guide

This is Basic Guide of DOTA. Here are some things which a DOTA Starter must know.

This Guide Contains Information About

Common Terms
Game Modes and Commands

Inside DOTA:
Hero experience chart
Consecutive kills


Common Terms:

Areas On The Map

Mid  Middle lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the center of the map.

Top  Top lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the west and top portions of the map

Bot  Bot lane. The line traveled by the creeps through the bottom and east portions of the map.

Woods  The areas in between lanes where neutral creeps are found.

Jungle  Same as woods.

Item Abbreviations

AC  Assault Cuirass

Aghs or Agha  Aghanim's Scepter

BKB  Black King Bar

Blink  Kelen's Dagger

BoT  Boots of Travel

Crow/Bird   Flying Courier

Deso  Stygian Desolator

DR  Divine Rapier

Hex  Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

HotD  Helm of the Dominator

HoT/Heart  Heart of Tarrasque

Mek   Mekansm

MoM  Mask of Madness

Phase   Phase Boots

PT   Power Treads

RoB  Ring of Basillus

RoR  Ring of Regeneration

RoH  Ring of Health

Sheepstick or Sheep   Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

SnY  Sange and Yasha

Vlads  Vladimir's Offering

Basic Need To Know Terms
Farm:   Farming up gold. Refers to the act of systematically killing creeps in order to earn gold. Even when you are virtually killing creeps all game long, you say that someone is "farming" when they are completely dedicated and concentrated on that.

Focus:  Means to concentrate all attacks on a specific target (I.E "Focus Lina" means that Lina should be the primary objective and that all the team should have attacking her as a priority in team fights)

Harass:  Relative to the act of putting pressure in your enemy by attacking him during the laning period. Basically, harassing is attacking the enemy in front of you in the lane, so as to make him an easy target for a gank or to prevent him from farming freely. Therefore, "harass Ezalor" means that you should try to damage Ezalor with your skills/attacks.

Juke:  Juking, means to make deceptive maneuvers with your hero while moving, so as to delude your opponent and make it harder for him to predict where you will be heading. This is used mainly to escape while you are being chased, or to make your enemy miss/misuse a spell (for example Avalanche, which has to be targeted to the ground).

Pull:  Creep Pulling. Getting creeps from a neutral camp to follow you into the path of your lane creeps.

Spam:  Spamming your spells, refers to the act of repeatedly using a certain spell, a lot. "spam carrion swarm" means casting Carrion Swarm a lot, most generally as soon as the cool down is up.

Rosh:  Roshan. Refers to Roshan, the big neutral creep next to the river just below the middle lane. Usually indicates the player's belief that either the enemy team is killing Roshan right now or that the player's team should kill Roshan now.

Gank:  Bringing several heroes to gang up on a target to kill them. "Gank lina," is a request for you to come help kill her.

b:  Back. If your allies start calling "b," get out immediately, it usually means that you're getting ganked. This is a more urgent warning than a miss or mia call.

TP:  Teleport. A request for you to use a Scroll of Town Portal or Boots of Travel to come assist in a fight. "tp mid now"

Def:  Defend. Self-explanitory, "tp to def mid"PushTraveling down a lane as a team in order to work together to fight and kill enemy buildings.

DD: The Double Damage rune.

Hero Missing/ Returning Calls
miss:  Missing. A warning that enemy heroes have gone out of view and might be ganking, so be careful. Usually said with a hero name, such as, "Lina miss."

mia:  Missing in action. Same thing as miss, such as, "Lina mia."

re:  Returned. The opposite of a miss/mia call, "Lina re" means that she's back in the lane she came from and you don't have to worry about her.

Hero Descriptions
nuke:  A generic term for any spell that does damage. "Nuke him" just means throw your damage spell, pretty much no matter what hero you have.

ult:  Ultimate. Any hero's level 6 ability is refered to as their ultimate

oom:  Out of mana. Don't expect any more spells from this player during the fight.

mana:  Just saying "mana" usually means the same thing as oom

cd:  Cooldown.Should usually be interpreted as, "Hold on, the spell I need isn't up yet." Also, you might see something like, "ult cd 30" which means, "My ultimate is still cooling for about 30 more seconds."

stacked:  Stacked of items, means that a hero has gotten many and powerful items, therefore making him really hard to take down. "Nevermore is stacked" means that Nevermore has many and good items.

farmed:  Same as stacked.

Game Modes & Commands

There are many commands that you can enter during the game, some impact the game itself, while others display useful information. Here we provide a list of most of the commands in the game. There are some other commands that you can also use, but they are almost entirely for fun and have no impact on the game, so we will start by covering only those that impact gameplay.
All commands must be preceeded by "-" to work, for instance, "-ma". All game modes must be entered on a single line preceeded by "-", for instance, "-apemomsc".
Common Game Modes
apAll Pick. Each player is allowed to pick a hero from any tavern.
arAll Random. Each player is given a random hero from any tavern.
rdRandom Draft. 20 random heroes from any tavern are selected and players take turns picking from them.
sdSingle Draft. Each player chooses from one of 3 individual random heroes.
cdCaptains Draft. 24 random heroes are selected. Then Blue and Pink take turns banning heroes, then picking heroes. Then the players on each team pick from their team's heroes.
cmCaptains Mode. Blue and Pink take turns banning heroes, then take turns picking heroes. These heroes are then chosen by members of their team.
emEasy Mode. Towers are weaker, and players get extra gold and experience.
dmDeath Match. When you die you are given a new hero. The game can end normally, or when one team reaches a certain amount of deaths. lives # can be used to set life limit, and -nd to remove respawn timer along with this mode.

Other Game Modes
rsRandom Side. Places each team on a random side.
duDuplicate. More than one of each hero can be played.
spShuffle Players. Randomly switches around players from each team.
xlExtended League. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes. Each team captain can pick 4 heroes to remove from the pool.
omOnly Mid. Only the middle lane is used.
scSuper Creeps. Powerful creeps will spawn every 10 minutes.
lmLeague Mode. Both Sides will take turns picking heroes.
mmMirror Mode. After one minute, each team will have the same heroes.
trTeam Random. You will be given a random hero from your taverns.
mrMode Random. Selects a random game mode.
vrVote Random. You will be given a random hero from the voted groupset.
rvReverse. You pick a hero for your opponent.
oiObserver Info. Disables extra information display for observers.
shSame Hero. All players will be given the hero that Blue has.
aaAll Agility. Only Agility heroes are used.
aiAll Intelligence. Only Intelligence heroes are used.
asAll Strength. Only Strength heroes are used.
idItem Drop. When you die, a random inventory slot will drop an item.
npNo Powerups. No runes spawn.
ntNo Top. The top lane is not used.
nmNo Mid. The middle lane is not used.
nbNo Bot. The bottom lane is not used.
nsNo Swap. Swapping heroes is not allowed.
nrNo Repick. Repicking heroes is not allowed.
pmPooling Mode. All items can be used by other players.
miMini Heroes. All heroes are half normal size.
frFast Respawn. Reduces death times by 50%.
moMelee Only. Only melee heroes are used.
roRanged Only. Only ranged heroes are used.
erExperimental Runes. Uses an experimental rune spawning system.
soSwitch On. Allows use of the -switch command. Leavers items can be unlocked by -unlock command when this mode is activated.
zmZoom mode. Observers will view the game from a zoomed out state.
cpCapture Point. Specific areas appear at 10 minute mark. Capturing them grants various bonus auras.
wtfFun mode. Spells have no cooldown or manacost.

tipsGives you various helpful pointers about your hero throughout the game.
randomRandom. Gives you a random hero in modes like All Pick. You get 250 extra gold.
random intRandom. Gives you a random Intelligence hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
random strRandom. Gives you a random Strength hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
random agiRandom. Gives you a random Agility hero in modes like All Pick. You get 150 extra gold.
maDisplays the heroes your opponents control and their levels. Alias: -matchup.
msDisplays your hero's current movement speed. Alias: -movespeed.
apmDisplays apm ( actions per minute ) of all players.
csDisplays your creep kills, denies, and neutral kills.
switch #Allows you to switch teams with another player. Other players vote with -ok or -no after this command is entered.
csonActivates the cs display to display your creep kills and denies.
esEnables selection helper. This is enabled by default. Alias: -enableselection
esDisables selection helper. Alias: -disableselection
csoffDeactivates the cs display.
cCenter. Locks the camera on your hero.
coCenteroff. Turns center mode off.
disablehelpPrevents certain spells, such as Test of Faith cast by an allied Holy Knight, from affecting you. Also prevents allies from picking up your items in the fountain area.
enablehelpRe-enables effects from certain allied spells and allows allies to pick up your items in the fountain area.
unstuckPauses your hero for 60 seconds, after which you are teleported to your base.
recreateSometimes rare glitches occur with certain heroes, recreate can fix those glitches. Recreate takes about 2 minutes to complete, and only works on Lycanthrope, Lifestealer, Dragon Knight, Soul Keeper, and Tormented Soul.
swap #Offers to swap your hero with another player's. -swaphero # can also be used.
showmsgShows messages.
hidemsgHides messages.
showdenyShows a '!' above a creep when it is denied.
hidedenyHides the '!'.
quote #Plays a hero quote. Writing it without a number will play a random hero quote.
weather rainSwitches weather to rain.
weather snowSwitches weather to snow.
weather moonlightSwitches weather to moonlight.
weather windSwitches weather to wind.
weather randomSwitches to random weather.
weather offTurns weather off.
diEnables -cson and -showdeny. Alias: -denyinfo. -di is initially enabled.
donShows the death timer. Alias: -deathon
doffHides the death timer. -deathoff
roll #Shows a random number between 1 and the number entered, max of 2000. Default of 100.
rollonEnables roll command. This is initially enabled.
rolloffDisables roll command.
hhnHides the hero name portion of player's names. Alias: -hideheronames.
testEnables single player commands.
muteToggles sounds on and off.
clearClears the messages.
iiItem info. Shows items of allied heroes on multiboard.
gameinfoDisplays information about the current game modes.
kickafk #Used to kick a player who has been AFK for a long period of time.
minesShows you how many Land Mines you have placed with Goblin Techies.
mcShows how many times you have Multicast with Ogre Magi.
fsShows how much bonus Strength you have gained from Flesh Heap with Pudge. Alias: -fleshstr
intShows how much bonus Intelligence you have gained from Last Word with Silencer.
haShows your average accuracy with Meat Hook or Hookshot.
aaShows your average accuracy with Elune's Arrow.
invokelistDisplays all of Invoker's spells, and what reagents are needed to use them.
water redMakes the water red.
water greenMakes the water green.
water blueMakes the water blue.
water defaultMakes the water the default color.
water r g bSets the water color to the color specified by r, g, and b. Example: "-water 255 0 0" is the same as "-water red".
water randomSets the water to a random color.
ggDisplays bonus gold gained from Alchemist's Goblin Greed ability.
rhDisplays a random hero name. Alias: -rollhero.

Single Player Commands
lvlup #Increases level of your hero by entered value.
refreshResets ability cooldowns, sets health and mana of your hero to 100%.
spawncreepsSpawns creeps from all lanes.
powerupSpawns runes.
neutralsForces neutral spawn.
killKills your last picked hero. This kill will be considered as a suicide.
gold #Increases your gold by entered value.
time #Sets time of day. Values should be between 0 and 24.
killsentKills sentinel creeps.
killscourgeKills scourge creeps.
killallKills all creeps.
noherolimittAllows you to pick multiple heroes.
treesForces a tree spawn.
killwardsRemoves wards from the map.
spawnonEnables creep spawn. This is enabled initially.
spawnoffDisables creep spawn.


A lot of these equations pertain to Warcraft III in general. Where applicable they were simplified from the general Warcraft III form to DotA specific equations. Numbers are meant to be exact as how Warcraft III interprets them; when you see .14 it is not and approximation of 1/7. 

Base stats

Variable Title                  Meaning
StrStrength TotalBase Strength w/level + any items bonuses
AgiAgility TotalBase Agility w/level + any item bonuses
IntIntelligence TotalBase Intelligence w/level + any item bonuses
PriPrimary TotalThe number total for the primary stat for the hero =(Str, Agi, Int) depending on hero
ArmorBArmor baseWhat a hero has w/o any stats or items**
ACoolBAttack Cool downThe number of seconds a hero has to wait to attack again after attacking w/o any stats or items
RangeAttack RangeThe distance a hero can attack
MSpdMovement speedHow fast a hero moves in DotA. Max w/modifiers is 522.
DMnBDamage Base MinThe minimum damage without stats nor items
DMxBDamage Base MaxThe maximum damage without stats nor items

Calculated stats*

VariableTitle                        Equation                Meaning  
HPHit points max150 + (19 * Str)The maximum a hit points a hero can regenerate to
HPRegHit points Regeneration0.25 + (.03 * Str)How many hit points a hero regains per second
ManaMana Max13 * IntThe resource used to cast spells & use abilites.
MRegMana Regeneration0.01 + (.04 * Int)How much mana a hero regains per second
ArmorArmorArmorB + (Agi * .14)Armor w/stats & items
DmgMnDamage MinDMnB + PriThe minimim damage with stats taken into account
DmgMxDamage MaxDMxB + PriThe maximum damage with stats taken into account
IASIncrease in Attack SpeedAgiThe number of seconds a hero has to wait to attack again after attacking. Note when warcraft says "Increase attack speed x%" it means increate this varible by x.
ACoolAttack Cool downACoolB + IASThe number of seconds a hero has to wait to attack again after attacking.
AttSpdAttack Speed1 / ACoolHow many times a second a hero can attack. Note by the schema laid out here when Warcraft III says "Increase attack speed x%" it means change IAS by x which effects ACool which effects this variable.
DRedDamage reduction1-{1/[1+(Armor*ADRM)]}An amount of damage less taken from non-magical attacks
DPSDamage Per SecondAttSpd*[(DmgMn+DmgMx)/2]The amount of damage a hero will do a second before armor and other effects are taken into account

Hero Experience Chart

Experience needed to level

Experience table

Lvl           Total Exp        Exp To Next Lvl

Consecutive kills

When one player kills a number of players without dying they get a 'bounty' on their head. The more players killed before dying the higher that bounty gets. Players are alerted in the game via sound. When someone finally kills that player they receive the bounty gold in addition to the regular 100 gold for killing a hero.

Kills     Sound                                                       Bounty
3Killing Spree50
7Wicked Sick250
8M-m-m-m....Monster Kill300
10+Beyond Godlike/Holy Shit (somebody stop/kill him!)400

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